
How To Add Custom Fonts To Website

The author selected the Diverseness in Tech Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations programme.


The visual identity of a website is largely dictated by two principles of design: color and typeface. In the terminal decade, there have been great strides in providing custom fonts to users with more than preloaded fonts on devices, the power to load custom fonts with the @font-face up rule, and the use of font hosting services. Spider web browsers accept besides implemented support for variable fonts, which are single font files from which multiple fonts can be interpolated, providing a high-caste of tuning and font customization.

In this tutorial, y'all volition try out examples of loading fonts onto your website. You lot volition use the font stack, a rank ordering of fonts based on availability, to use fonts that may exist installed on the user's device. Then, you will use a font-hosting service, Google Fonts, to find, select, and load custom fonts onto your page. Lastly, you lot will load a self-hosted font family unit using the @font-face rule, followed by a cocky-hosted variable font.


  • An understanding of CSS'south cascade and specificity features, which you tin can get by reading How To Use CSS Styles to HTML with Cascade and Specificity.
  • Cognition of type selectors, combinator selectors, and selector groups, which you can discover in How To Select HTML Elements to Mode with CSS.
  • An agreement of font stacks and font properties in CSS, which you can find in the tutorial How To Style Text Elements with Font, Size, and Color in CSS.
  • An empty HTML file saved on your local car as index.html that you can access from your text editor and web browser of choice. To get started, bank check out our How To Set Your HTML Projection tutorial, and follow How To Use and Understand HTML Elements for instructions on how to view your HTML in your browser. If you're new to HTML, endeavor out the whole How To Build a Website with HTML series.

Setting Up the HTML and Creating the Initial Font Stack

The concept of a font stack comes from early in the web, when there were only a few trustworthy fonts that one could installed on the majority of computers. It was often probable the font would not be bachelor, so the font stack provided an lodge of fonts that the browser could try to find and load. In this section, you will learn the principles of a resilient font stack and what options are bachelor for fonts on modern devices. But commencement, y'all will create example HTML to demonstrate the fonts.

Begin by opening index.html in your text editor. Then, add the following HTML to the file:


                                    <!              doctype              html              >                                                      <html              >                                                      <head              >                                                      <meta              charset                              =                "utf-eight"                            />                                                      <meta              name                              =                "viewport"                            content                              =                "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"                            />                                                      <title              >            A Demo Font Family Folio                              </title              >                                                      <link              href                              =                "styles.css"                            rel                              =                "stylesheet"                            />                                                      </head              >                                                      <body              >                                                      </body              >                                                      </html              >                              

Inside the <head> tag, the first <meta> tag defines the grapheme set for the HTML file. The 2nd <meta> tag defines how mobile devices should return the page. Next, the <championship> tag gives the page its championship. Finally, the <link> tag references the CSS file you will use after to create the styles for the page.

Side by side, inside the <body> tag, add the content of the page. This content is known as filler content from Cupcake Ipsum and it provides text to appear similar content without actually saying anything. The filler content is highlighted in the following code cake. Yous will encounter this highlighting method throughout the tutorial as lawmaking is added and inverse:


                                    <!              doctype              html              >                                                      <html              >                                                      <head              >                                                      <meta              charset                              =                "utf-viii"                            />                                                      <meta              name                              =                "viewport"                            content                              =                "width=device-width, initial-scale=i"                            />                                                      <title              >            A Demo Font Family Folio                              </title              >                                                      <link              href                              =                "styles.css"                            rel                              =                "stylesheet"                            />                                                      </head              >                                                      <torso              >                                                                        <main                >                                                                                      <header                >                                                                                      <div                class                                  =                  "content-width"                                >                                                                                      <h1                >              Sweet strawberry cheesecake                                  </h1                                                    >                                                                        <p                >                                                              <em                >              Sugariness muffin comport claw                                  </em                >                            donut chupa chups liquorice tiramisu candy canes sweet.                                  </p                                                    >                                                                        </div                >                                                                                      </header                >                                                                                      <div                class                                  =                  "content-width"                                >                                                                                      <p                >              Chocolate shortbread caramels tootsie curl tiramisu sweet dessert apple pie fruitcake.                                                <strong                >              Croissant icing chupa chups                                  </potent                >                            sweet whorl block tart fruitcake soufflé jujubes. Shortbread brownie tootsie ringlet water ice foam pudding dessert marshmallow sesame snaps. Cake pie jujubes lemon drops sesame snaps soufflé cookie jujubes wafer. Caramels water ice cream fruitcake pastry cheesecake chocolate tootsie coil block marshmallow. Pie candy canes cupcake dragée bonbon fruitcake marzipan. Tootsie coil halvah bonbon cake muffin gummies. Bonbon cotton wool processed marzipan cake sesame snaps chupa chups donut dessert. Macaroon gummies macaroon biscuit chocolate carrot cake gummi bears.                                  </p                                                    >                                                                        <h2                >              Donut candy canes cotton wool candy                                  </h2                                                    >                                                                        <p                >                                                              <strong                >                                                              <em                >              Liquorice gingerbread tiramisu                                  </em                >                                                              </potent                >                            pie bonbon soufflé. Jujubes tootsie gyre muffin gingerbread pulverisation. Carrot cake halvah chocolate bar tart sugar plum saccharide plum pastry. Jelly topping jelly beans processed canes cheesecake gingerbread pie sesame snaps carbohydrate plum. Pie cheesecake pudding jelly brownie jelly beans halvah. Ice cream powder carrot cake bear claw cake cheesecake.                                  </p                                                    >                                                                        <p                >                                                              <em                >              Jelly-o jelly-o jelly                                  </em                >                            lollipop croissant. Carrot cake tart danish macaroon dragée gingerbread. Sugar plum cotton candy biscuit                                                <strong                >              fruitcake pulverization liquorice                                  </strong                >              . Shortbread candy pie tart pudding. Sesame snaps bear claw tart tiramisu donut chocolate block. Cheesecake tiramisu chocolate cake dessert dessert candy candy canes apple pie marshmallow. Sweet croissant pudding toffee tootsie coil gummies tart pastry pie. Candy apple tree pie cake wafer tootsie curlicue tart icing halvah.                                  </p                                                    >                                                                        <h3                >              Gingerbread gummi bears                                  </h3                                                    >                                                                        <p                >                                                              <em                >              Tiramisu sweet pastry                                  </em                >                            danish topping ice foam caramels. Tiramisu candy liquorice jelly-o marzipan candy canes cupcake topping. Gummi bears jujubes carrot block shortbread sesame snaps marshmallow danish pudding cotton fiber processed.                                                <stiff                >              Cake jujubes beige                                  </potent                >                            topping marzipan sweet curlicue apple tree pie bonbon. Bear claw donut bear claw bonbon caramels halvah gummi bears. Gummi bears apple pie jelly-o donut sesame snaps icing marzipan.                                  </p                                                    >                                                                        <p                >                                                              <strong                >                                                              <em                >              Bonbon chupa chups                                  </em                >                                                              </strong                >                            donut dessert pudding. Sweet roll caramels dessert muffin croissant. Powder chocolate lollipop ice cream bonbon pie candy muffin cotton wool processed. Fruitcake topping chupa chups toffee jelly-o halvah. Processed soufflé toffee gummies fruitcake oat cake chocolate cake. Dessert cupcake cheesecake sweet curl bear hook. Marshmallow halvah bear hook beige dragée marzipan lemon drops jelly.                                  </p                                                    >                                                                        </div                >                                                                                      </main                >                                                                    </body              >                                                      </html              >                              

The filler content contains a number of elements that are used to provide different font styles. The <strong> tag will by default make its content bold, the <em> tag will italicize its content, and the heading tags volition increase the font size and assuming their content.

Side by side, render to your text editor and create the styles.css file in the same folder as index.html. This is the file that you referenced in the <head> element of alphabetize.html. In the styles.css file, add together the post-obit code:


                      trunk            {            margin            :            0;            groundwork-color            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            100%)            ;            color            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            ten%)            ;            line-height            :            1.5;            }            .content-width            {            max-width            :            70ch;            width            :            calc            (100% - 4rem)            ;            margin            :            0 motorcar;            }            chief            {            margin-lesser            :            4rem;            }            header            {            margin-bottom            :            4rem;            padding            :            2rem 0;            background-color            :            hsl            (280,            50%,            xl%)            ;            border-bottom            :            4px solid            hsl            (300,            l%,            50%)            ;            color            :            hsl            (300,            fifty%,            ninety%)            ;            }            header p            {            color            :            hsl            (300,            50%,            85%)            ;            }            h1, h2, h3            {            margin            :            0;            line-summit            :            i.25;            }            h2, h3            {            color            :            hsl            (280,            50%,            40%)            }                  

These styles create the overall visual way of the folio. The header has a majestic groundwork with the h1 and p inside existence a lite purple. The main and .content-width selectors create the layout of the page, and the torso and heading selectors provide several typographic styles by setting the line-height, colour, and margin values.

Save your changes to styles.css, and so open your web browser. Open up alphabetize.html in the browser by dragging the file into the browser window, or using the browser's Open File choice. The browser will return the HTML and CSS code to produce a page like the following image:

Large purple block with white text in a serif font inside. Below there are several paragraphs of serif text in a dark gray with purple bold serif headings.

The text of the alphabetize.html file in your browser will be using the browser's local default font. In most cases, this volition be a serif font like Times New Roman. The most performant manner to customize fonts is to apply fonts already on the finish user'south computer. Using local fonts relieves the browser of downloading and processing sizable files.

Today, there are often several dozen local fonts to cull from; these are known as system fonts. Both Microsoft and Apple keep an updated list of the fonts that come with their systems.

To begin using pre-installed organisation fonts, render to styles.css in your text editor. In the torso selector, add a font-family property, and make its value a comma-separated listing of fonts known as a font stack:


                      body            {            margin            :            0;            background-colour            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            100%)            ;            color            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            10%)            ;            line-height            :            1.5;                          font-family              :              "PT Sans"              ,              Calibri,              Tahoma,              sans-serif;                        }            ...                  

The browser will sequentially attempt to load the local fonts in the font stack until it is successful. For this font stack, the first font to attempt is "PT Sans", which is in quotes because it is a multi-word font name. PT Sans is a font from ParaType that comes pre-installed on Apple operating systems and is also bachelor for free from Google Fonts. The next font is Calibri, followed by some other comma and Tahoma. Calibri is a font from Microsoft that comes installed on recent version of Windows, and Tahoma is another font from Microsoft that has been present on Apple tree operating systems for over a decade.

The final font is the generic name-spaced value sans-serif. If none of the previous three fonts are available, and so the browser will use the browser's default sans-serif font, such as Helvetica or Arial.

Relieve your changes to styles.css and so refresh alphabetize.html in your browser. Your operating system and installed fonts volition determine which font is rendered and how information technology is rendered. The following prototype shows how PT Sans appears equally the font when loaded in Firefox on macOS:

Large purple block with white text in a sans-serif font inside. Below are several paragraphs of sans-serif text in a dark gray with purple bold sans-serif headings.

A font family unit consists of all the weight and style variations of a given font. Families tin can include many additional weight and styles that change how thin, thick, and slanted a font will display.

The font-way property determines the slant of the font. The value is well-nigh commonly italic; withal, some fonts support the oblique value, which accepts an optional degree value to indicate the steepness of the camber.

The font-weight property has two defined named values of normal and bold, only the most versatile and anticipated way to determine this value is to use a weight number. The weight number values are unremarkably divers in increments of 100 from 100 to 900, with 100 beingness a thin weight and 900 being a thick weight. If the browser cannot detect a font corresponding to the specified weight, it will find the closest available size.

To set some new base of operations font styling for this folio throughout the tutorial, render to styles.css in your text editor. And so create an element selector for each of the h1, h2, h3, and p elements. Within each selector, add the highlighted CSS from the post-obit code block to increase the font size and emphasize the headings:


                      ... h2, h3            {            color            :            hsl            (280,            50%,            xl%)            }                          h1              {                                      font-size              :              3rem;                                      font-weight              :              100;                                      }                                      h2              {                                      font-size              :              2rem;                                      font-weight              :              200;                                      }                                      h3              {                                      font-size              :              ane.75rem;                                      font-mode              :              italic;                                      font-weight              :              200;                                      }                                      p              {                                      font-size              :              1.125rem;                                      }                              

The h1 hither is set to a font-size of 3rem, which is equivalent to 48px, with a thin font-weight of 100. And so, the h2 is set to 2rem, equivalent to 32px, and a font-weight of 200. Adjacent, the h3 is set to the same font-weight and a slightly smaller font-size as the h2, but gains an added font-style belongings ready to italic. Lastly, the p chemical element selector bumps upwards the standard font-size to 1.125rem, which is equal to 18px in this case. The adjustments to the overall styling of this text will remain the same equally you modify the font used in each section.

Salve the changes to styles.css, then return to your browser and refresh index.html. The overall text size has bumped upward, with the heading styles gaining more distinction from one some other. The post-obit prototype shows how this will appear in the browser:

Large purple block with white text in a sans-serif font inside. Below are several paragraphs of sans-serif text in a dark gray with purple thing sans-serif headings. The font sizing has increased overall.

In this section, you used the font stack to load a series of possible fonts on the page in a ranked social club. Yous also learned about the possible variations of a font family with the font-weight and font-style properties. In the adjacent department, you will use a font from a font hosting service.

Finding and Loading a Font File from a Hosted Service

Hosted font services are a popular and effective way of finding and providing custom fonts to a websites. Services such as Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts (formerly Typekit), and provide a large library of high-quality fonts that a client will temporarily download when viewing your page. This means that yous no longer have to worry near which fonts are on the customer's system.

Each font hosting service has its ain process for loading fonts, and in many cases there is an associated price. For this department, you volition find and load fonts from Google'south service, every bit it hosts open-source and express license fonts free of accuse.

To brainstorm, open Search for the font named "Open Sans" using the search bar at the top of the folio. The search results will list the matching term, which is a link taking you to the Google Fonts Open up Sans folio. On this page, there is a list of several font styles. Each one of these font weight and style combinations is a unique font file that the browser will download.

Note: Each font-weight and font-style volition need to be selected based on need, instead of selecting them all. More fonts selected ways more than fonts demand to be downloaded, thus increasing the website load time. It is important to simply load the font weights and styles that are used in your design.

For this blueprint, select Light 300, Light 300 italic, Regular 400, Regular 400 italic, Bold 700, and Bold 700 italic. The following paradigm displays how this option will look in Google Fonts:

View of the Google Fonts interface with a listing of font weights and styles on the left. On the right is a listing of selected fonts weights and styles with code text below.

Next, copy the <link> tags necessary to load the files from the Google Fonts service. To do that, select the <link> option instead of the @import choice as the manner to load the files in the Google Fonts interface. Re-create the series of <link> tags presented. Then, return to alphabetize.html in your text editor. Go inside the <head> element and, after the <link> tag loading styles.css, paste the <link> tags from Google Fonts. The highlighted HTML in the following lawmaking block demonstrates where to add together the copied code:


                                    <!              doctype              html              >                                                      <html              >                                                      <caput              >                        ...                                          <link              href                              =                "styles.css"                            rel                              =                "stylesheet"                            />                                                                        <link                rel                                  =                  "preconnect"                                href                                  =                  ""                                >                                                                                      <link                rel                                  =                  "preconnect"                                href                                  =                  ""                                crossorigin                >                                                                                      <link                href                                  =                  " up+Sans:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;0,700;ane,300;i,400;ane,700&display=swap"                                rel                                  =                  "stylesheet"                                >                                                                    </head              >                                                      <trunk              >                        ...                                          </trunk              >                                                      </html              >                              

The get-go two <link> elements perform a chore called a preconnect, which tells the browser to prioritize an external web connection. In plough, these two <link> elements gear up the browser to load the CSS file and font files from the 3rd <link> as soon as possible.

Now that the font is ready for the browser to load information technology on to the page, next you lot need to employ the font styling so the text is rendered with that font.

Save your changes to alphabetize.html, then render to styles.css in your text editor. In your torso selector, go to the font-family unit holding. Prepend the value with the font name "Open Sans" in quotes earlier the "PT Sans" font, followed by a comma. The highlighted CSS in the post-obit code block shows where the new font is placed in the font stack:


                      body            {            margin            :            0;            groundwork-colour            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            100%)            ;            color            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            10%)            ;            line-height            :            one.5;            font-family            :                          "Open Sans"                        ,            "PT Sans"            ,            Calibri,            Tahoma,            sans-serif;            }            ...                  

Past calculation Open Sans to the beginning of the font stack, the browser will fallback to the next bachelor local font if the browser is unable to load the files from Google. Information technology is important to always take a font stack of at least two, with the last font in the stack being sans-serif, serif, monospace, or another named value that well-nigh effectively resembles the intended font.

Save your changes to styles.css and open alphabetize.html in the spider web browser. The text on the page will now render using the Open Sans font loaded from Google Fonts. The text with a font-weight set to 100 and 200 volition instead use 300 since that is the closest available. The following image illustrates how this will appear in the browser:

Large purple block with white text in a sans-serif font inside. Below are several paragraphs of sans-serif text in a dark gray with purple thin sans-serif headings.

In this section, you loaded a font family from Google Fonts. You learned how each font weight and style is a dissimilar file loaded from the service, and that the number of loaded variations tin touch site performance. In the next section, y'all will load the fonts past writing your ain @font-face up rule to populate self-hosted font files.

Loading a Self-Hosted Font with @font-face up

Self-hosted fonts are font files that are stored on your server aslope the other spider web components, such as HTML and CSS files. A common reason to consider self-hosting your font files is when you want to employ a font that is not provided past a hosting service. When cocky-hosting, there is more than control over how the fonts relate to one another and what they are named, which you tin can set via the definitions of the @font-face rules. In this section, you lot will write your ain @font-face rules and load a family unit of fonts onto your web page.

For this section, you lot will need to download the case nil file containing open up-source fonts. You can download this through your browser or use the post-obit curl command:

  1. whorl -sL -o

One time you have downloaded the file, extract the fonts directory contained in the nada file and place information technology in the same directory every bit the index.html and styles.css file on your computer. On Linux, you tin can practise this from the command line with the post-obit unzip command:

  1. unzip

Next, open up index.html in your text editor. Since you will be loading a local font from the zip file, yous tin remove the Google Font code. In this section, y'all volition be loading the font files from your existing styles.css file. Make sure the contents of your <head> element are set up upwards like the following lawmaking cake:


                                    <!              doctype              html              >                                                      <html              >                                                      <head              >                                                      <meta              charset                              =                "utf-8"                            />                                                      <meta              name                              =                "viewport"                            content                              =                "width=device-width, initial-scale=one"                            />                                                      <title              >            A Demo Font Family Folio                              </title              >                                                      <link              href                              =                "styles.css"                            rel                              =                "stylesheet"                            />                                                      </head              >                                                      <body              >                        ...                                          </trunk              >                                                      </html              >                              

Save your edits to alphabetize.html, and so open up styles.css in your text editor.

You tin use the @font-confront rule to load a custom font on a web folio. The history of loading custom fonts has lead to a compound method to support the widest number of browsers. Unlike other at-rules, similar @media or @supports, the @font-face up rule has no additional arguments. Within the rule cake, just a set up number of properties are accepted. The most important is font-family unit, which describes the name the browser volition use to reference and load the appropriate font files. Then, the src property references the location of the font files. In guild to support versions of Net Explorer prior to version ix, 2 src properties are necessary, with the first simply referencing the .eot font file format. The second src property volition then be a comma separated listing of font file formats. The browser version will select the appropriate format that it supports.

To brainstorm using the @font-face rule, open styles.css in your text editor. At the top of the file, before the body selector, create the post-obit @font-face rule:


                                                    @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Regular.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Regular.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Regular.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-Regular.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Regular.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      }                        body            {            ...            }            ...                  

Inside this rule, you lot've added a font-family property with a value of "Fira Sans" in quotes. Since this lawmaking is defining an overall font-family, simply i font name should be used. The comma separated listing of font formats for src is 2 parted. The first is the url() that, like a background-image holding, provides the path to the file format on the server. And so, the format() explains what type of file is being referenced, assuasive the browser to select the supported format.

The fira folder inside the fonts binder contains four folders with specific file formats of the Fira Sans font. EOT stands for Encapsulated OpenType, a format Microsoft developed for Internet Explorer to load custom fonts. TTF stands for TrueType Font, and is an older font format that wasn't originally developed for the web. The WOFF and WOFF2 formats stand up for Web Open up Font Format, with the "ii" signifying the 2d version of the format. The majority of modern browsers back up TTF, WOFF, and WOFF2 equally. To create an @font-face rule that covers the most possible browser formats, you provided multiple sources for your font. The EOT is referenced in both src properties because version 9 and later of Net Explorer utilise the comma-separated format instead.

Now that y'all have the @font-face up rule for Fira Sans created, go to the font-family unit property in the body selector. In the value for the font-family unit, replace "Open Sans" with "Fira Sans" to use the self-hosted font on your folio. The highlighted portion of the following code cake demonstrates this change:


                                    @font-face up                        {            ...            }            body            {            margin            :            0;            background-color            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            100%)            ;            colour            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            x%)            ;            line-acme            :            one.v;            font-family unit            :                          "Fira Sans"                        ,            "PT Sans"            ,            Calibri,            Tahoma,            sans-serif;            }            ...                  

Even though the fonts are beingness loaded from the aforementioned place equally the styles.css and alphabetize.html file, it is important to keep a font-stack of alternates. In that location are numerous unknown reasons a self-hosted font may not load, and if the browser runs into an issue, a sufficient fill-in helps to maintain a similar aesthetic for your site.

Save your changes to styles.css and open index.html in a web browser. Notice that the bold and italics versions of the font do not wait quite right. This is because in the @font-confront dominion just the regular font weight and style files were loaded and used. When the browser needs to use a bold weight or italic mode to a font, simply lacks the appropriate font file, the browser creates the needed variation. This altered form of a font is known as a faux bold and faux italic. Imitation assuming is created by adding a stroke to the font, which often creates a wider spacing between characters that could interfere with your intended layout. Faux italic is created by slanting the font, which often does non utilise infinite as well equally a true italic would.

The following image shows how the faux bold, italic, and bold italic styles announced in the browser:

Three lines of text, the first with a generated bold style, the second with a generated italic style, and the last with a generated bold italic style.

In order to provide the browser with the appropriate variations of a font family unit, more details need to be provided in the @font-confront rule, and you need to create more rules to load additional variation files.

Return to styles.css in your text editor. In the @font-face dominion, add a font-weight and a font-style property after the 2d src property:


                                    @font-confront                        {            font-family            :            "Fira Sans"            ;            src            :                          url              (              'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Regular.eot'              )                        ;            src            :                          url              (              'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Regular.eot'              )                        format            (            'embedded-opentype'            )            ,                          url              (              'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Regular.woff2'              )                        format            (            'woff2'            )            ,                          url              (              'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-Regular.woff'              )                        format            (            'woff'            )            ,                          url              (              'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Regular.ttf'              )                        format            (            'truetype'            )            ;                          font-weight              :              normal;                                      font-style              :              normal;                        }            ...                  

Hither you gear up the value for both properties to normal. For the font-weight, the normal value is equivalent to the 400 numerical weight value. These properties tell the browser to apply these font files for normal variations. Thus the FiraSans-Regular font file will be used when the text needs to be a normal weight and style.

Adjacent, to provide the variations needed to correct the faux assuming and fake italic, add more than @font-face rules to reference each font-weight and font-style combination:


                                    /* Fira Sans Regular */                                      @font-face                        {            font-family            :            "Fira Sans"            ;            src            :                          url              (              'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Regular.eot'              )                        ;            src            :                          url              (              'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Regular.eot'              )                        format            (            'embedded-opentype'            )            ,                          url              (              'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Regular.woff2'              )                        format            (            'woff2'            )            ,                          url              (              'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-Regular.woff'              )                        format            (            'woff'            )            ,                          url              (              'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Regular.ttf'              )                        format            (            'truetype'            )            ;            font-weight            :            normal;            font-mode            :            normal;            }                                          @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Italic.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Italic.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Italic.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-Italic.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Italic.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              normal;                                      font-style              :              italic;                                      }                                      /* Fira Sans Assuming */                                                      @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Bold.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Bold.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Assuming.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-Bold.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Assuming.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              bold;                                      font-way              :              normal;                        }                                          @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-BoldItalic.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-BoldItalic.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-BoldItalic.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-BoldItalic.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-BoldItalic.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              700;                                      font-style              :              italic;                                      }                        ...                  

As more variations are added, it is helpful to add comments to more than hands identify the grouping of font weights. You therefore added a CSS comment higher up the offset @font-confront rule. Then, below the showtime rule, yous created three more @font-face up rules for the italic, bold, and assuming italic variations of the font.

Save these updates to your styles.css file, and then refresh index.html in the browser. Your browser is now loading all the variations of the font family provided. The following paradigm showcases the differences betwixt the faux and true versions of assuming, italic, and assuming italic:

A comparison of text with a list of browser generated bold, italic, and bold italic styles on the left and the true font styles on the right.

The true bold is much thicker than the browser's fake assuming, and the text is closer together, accounting for the thicker font strokes. The true italic is more notable when comparison the lowercase a character in the discussion "Italic." The font changes the style of the a character when italic. Additionally, the camber of the truthful italic is a bottom degree than the browser'southward faux italic.

Next, there are a few more font variations to load, since the heading elements use thinner weight versions of Fira Sans.

Return to styles.css in your text editor and create four more @font-face rules above the regular version @font-face up rule:


                                    /* Fira Sans Thin */                                                      @font-face                            {                                      font-family unit              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Thin.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Thin.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Sparse.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-Thin.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Thin.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              100;                                      font-fashion              :              normal;                                      }                                                      @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-ThinItalic.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-ThinItalic.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-ThinItalic.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-ThinItalic.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-ThinItalic.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              100;                                      font-style              :              italic;                                      }                                      /* Fira Sans Light */                                                      @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Lite.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-Light.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Light.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-Light.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-Light.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              200;                                      font-style              :              normal;                                      }                                                      @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              "Fira Sans"              ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-LightItalic.eot'                )                            ;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/fira/eot/FiraSans-LightItalic.eot'                )                            format              (              'embedded-opentype'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-LightItalic.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff/FiraSans-LightItalic.woff'                )                            format              (              'woff'              )              ,                                                      url                (                'fonts/fira/woff2/FiraSans-LightItalic.ttf'                )                            format              (              'truetype'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              200;                                      font-style              :              italic;                                      }                        ...                  

These new rules load the Thin and the Light variations of Fira Sans, mapped to the 100 and 200 font-weight values, respectively. Since there are not give-and-take values for these sizes, y'all changed the values for the regular and bold font-weight properties to their numerical values.

Save these changes to styles.css, then return to your browser and refresh index.html. The heading elements are now using the thinner variants of Fira Sans, equally shown in the post-obit epitome:

Large purple block with white text in a sans-serif font inside. Below are several paragraphs of sans-serif text in a dark gray with purple thin sans-serif headings.

In this department, y'all loaded self-hosted font files with @font-face rules. You learned how faux bold and italic tin impact the visual presentation of a font and how to link many font files together with a common font-family value. In the last section, you lot will use a variable font, which allows for many variations sourced from a unmarried font file.

Working with Variable Fonts

Variable fonts are a relatively new addition to the options of web typography. Where in the previous section each font weight and fashion had to be loaded from an individual file, variable fonts contain information in a single file from which many variations tin be calculated. Variable fonts can increment performance, as well as providing much more design possibilities than before. In this section, you lot will load a variable font using the @font-face rule and tweak the display of the font to find the correct variation.

To begin working with variable font, open styles.css in your text editor. Outset, remove all the @font-face up rules from the previous section and supervene upon them with the following new rule:


                                                    @font-face                            {                                      font-family              :              Raleway;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/raleway/Raleway.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ;                                      font-style              :              normal;                                      font-weight              :              300 800;                                      }                        body            {            ...                  

A variable font structurally looks the same every bit a standard @font-face rule. Yous first declare a font-family proper noun, and so supply a list of src values, although often with variable fonts but 1 format is necessary. The font-style belongings was set to normal for this font. A departure comes with the font-weight value. Instead of defining a single value, a range is written with the thinnest weight followed past the thickest weight. By defining this range, the browser can prepare for the possible variation calculations that will occur. Here you ready the font-confront rule for Raleway, with a font-weight range from 300 to 400.

Next, you lot will demand to establish Raleway in the font stack. Remove "Fira Sans" from the beginning of the font stack and replace it with Raleway. Since the proper noun Raleway does not contain whatever spaces, it does not need to be in quotes:


                      ... body            {            margin            :            0;            background-color            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            100%)            ;            colour            :            hsl            (0,            0%,            10%)            ;            line-height            :            1.5;            font-family            :            Raleway            ,            "PT Sans"            ,            Calibri,            Tahoma,            sans-serif;            }            ...                  

Salvage your changes to styles.css and open index.html in your web browser. The browser produces truthful font weights instead of faux weights, simply is not treating italics correctly due to a lack of defined italic manner.

To set up the italic version of the Raleway variable font, return to styles.css in your text editor. Beneath the showtime @font-face rule, create a new rule prepare:


                                    @font-face                        {            font-family unit            :            Raleway;            src            :                          url              (              'fonts/raleway/Raleway.woff2'              )                        format            (            'woff2'            )            ;            font-weight            :            300 800;            font-style            :            normal;            }                                          @font-face up                            {                                      font-family unit              :              Raleway;                                      src              :                              url                (                'fonts/raleway/Raleway-Italic.woff2'                )                            format              (              'woff2'              )              ;                                      font-weight              :              300 800;                                      font-style              :              italic;                                      }                        body            {            ...            }            ...                  

The src has changed its font file proper name from Raleway.woff2 to Raleway-Italic.woff2, and the font-style value is now italic.

Save your changes to styles.css and refresh the folio in your browser. The browser is now rendering the italic version of the diverse weights of Raleway. The following image shows the updated version of the folio with a full Raleway variable font fix:

Large purple block with white text in a sans-serif font inside. Below are several paragraphs of sans-serif text in a dark gray with purple thin sans-serif headings.

The advantage of using variable fonts is that any whole numerical value defined in the font-weight range is available. While standard font weights increment by values of 100, variable fonts weights can increment by values as low as 1. This provides a method to fine-tune the visual design of the font in ways not possible before.

To use the weight values from the range, return to styles.css in your text editor and make the post-obit changes:


                      ... h1            {            font-size            :            3rem;            font-weight            :            350            ;            }            h2            {            font-size            :            2rem;            font-weight            :            570            ;            }            h3            {            font-size            :            1.75rem;            font-style            :            italic;            font-weight            :            450            ;            }            p            {            font-size            :            1.125rem;            }                          strong              {                                      font-weight              :              600;                                      }                              

For the h1 selector, you inverse the font-weight value to 350. And so, you lot gear up the h2 font-weight holding to 570 and the h3 to 450. Lastly, y'all created a strong element select with a font-weight property set to 650.

Exist sure to save your changes to styles.css, then return to your browser and refresh index.html. The browser at present renders various weights of the Raleway font throughout the folio. The post-obit image shows how this appears in the browser:

Large purple block with white text in a sans-serif font inside. Below are several paragraphs of sans-serif text in a dark gray with purple bold sans-serif headings.

In this final section, you loaded and used a variable font on your web folio. Much more variation tin come from one or two variable fonts than a dozen standard fonts. You also learned how to suit a variable font to discover the right variation for your design needs to a degree unlike earlier.


Fonts are a primal component to the visual artful of a design. They are highly sought later assets that assist one website standout from another.

Throughout this tutorial, you lot learned the main ways fonts can be used on a website. You used local fonts and a font stack to tell the browser which fonts to try loading. Then, you used a font hosting service to effectively load the font Open Sans from Google Fonts. Adjacent, yous set up your own series of @font-face rules and created your own family of self-hosted fonts. Lastly, y'all built on what you learned loading your ain fonts to apply variable font and try out the versatility and operation they provide. Remember that it is important to ever have fallback fonts in the font stack regardless if the font is local, from a hosting service, or self-hosted, because the font may not load for unknown reasons.

If y'all would like to read more CSS tutorials, try out the other tutorials in the How To Fashion HTML with CSS series.

How To Add Custom Fonts To Website,


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